BUSINESS SUMMARY ---------------- GORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, DUNS: 80-473-5132 RATING 3A4 INC. LITHOGRAPHIC STARTED 1985 492 KOLLER STREET COMMERCIAL PRINTING SALES F $29,665,950 AND BRANCH(ES) OR DIVISION(S) SIC NO. WORTH F $2,026,635 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94110 2752 EMPLOYS 152(110 HERE) TEL: 650 555-0000 HISTORY CLEAR FINANCIAL CONDITION FAIR STATEMENT DATE DEC 31 2007 CHIEF EXECUTIVE: LESLIE SMITH, PRES DO NOT CONFUSE WITH OTHER GORMAN COMPANIES, THIS IS A FICTITIOUS COMPANY USED BY D&B FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES. SPECIAL EVENTS -------------- 03/19/08 OTHER SPECIAL EVENT: As previously reported on Feb 4, 2008, Gorman Manufacturing announced that it will open a branch sales location in Santa Barbara, CA by the end of 2008. CUSTOMER SERVICE ---------------- If you have questions about this report, please call our Customer Resource Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U.S. If you are outside the U.S., contact your local D&B office. *** Additional Decision Support Available *** Additional D&B products, monitoring services and specialized investigations are available to help you evaluate this company or its industry. Call Dun & Bradstreet's Customer Resource Center at 1-800-234-3867 from anywhere within the U.S. or visit our website at SUMMARY ANALYSIS ---------------- The Summary Analysis section reflects information in D&B's file as of August 18, 2008. RATING SUMMARY . . . . The "3A" portion of the Rating (the Rating Classification) indicates that the company has a worth from $1 million to $10 million. The "4" on the right (Composite Credit Appraisal) indicates an overall "limited" credit appraisal. This credit appraisal was assigned because of D&B's assessment of the company's financial ratios and its cash flow. Below is an overview of the company's D&B Rating(s) since 03/20/08: RATING DATE APPLIED ------ ------------ 3A4 03/20/08 PAYMENT SUMMARY ---------------- The Payment Summary section reflects payment information in D&B's file as of the date of this report. The PAYDEX for this company is 54. This PAYDEX score indicates that payments to suppliers average 27 days beyond terms, weighted by dollar amounts. When dollar amounts are not considered, approximately 29% of the company's payments are within terms. Below is an overview of the company's dollar-weighted payments, segmented by its suppliers' primary industries: TOTAL LARGEST % DAYS SLOW TOTAL DOLLAR HIGH W/IN RCV'D AMOUNTS CREDIT TERMS <31 31-60 61-90 91+ ----- -------------- ---------- ---- --- ----- ----- --- # $ $ % % % % % Total in D&B's file 55 451,400 85,000 Top 10 Industries: 1 Mfg telephone equip 1 85,000 85,000 - 100 - - - 2 Whol metal 1 80,000 80,000 100 - - - - 3 Whol general grocery 1 70,000 70,000 100 - - - - 4 Whol computers/softwr 1 40,000 40,000 100 - - - - 5 Whol electrical equip 1 40,000 40,000 100 - - - - 6 Mfg car parts 1 25,000 25,000 100 - - - - 7 Business consulting 1 20,000 20,000 100 - - - - 8 Sawmill/planing mill 1 10,000 10,000 - - 100 - - 9 Whol appliances 1 10,000 10,000 - 50 - - 50 10 Whol const/mine equip 1 7,500 7,500 100 - - - - 11 OTHER INDUSTRIES 20 42,500 7,500 51 17 25 - 7 Other Payment Categories: Cash experiences 2 750 500 Payment record unknown 0 0 0 Unfavorable comments 8 20,600 10,000 Placed for collection with D&B 1 50 other 14 N/A The highest "Now Owes" on file is $85,000 The highest "Past Due" on file is $50,000 The aggregate dollar amount of the 55 payment experiences in D&B's file equals 18.3% of this company's average monthly sales. In Dun & Bradstreet's opinion, payment experiences exceeding 10% of a company's average monthly sales can be considered representative of payment performance. PAYMENTS -------- Antic - Anticipated (Payments received prior to date of invoice) Disc - Discounted (Payments received within trade discount period) Ppt - Prompt (Payments received within terms granted) REPORTED PAYING HIGH NOW PAST SELLING LAST SALE RECORD CREDIT OWES DUE TERMS WITHIN 08/08 Ppt 2500 100 -0- N30 1 Mo Slow 30 500 -0- -0- N30 2-3 Mos (003) 2500 2500 2500 1 Mo NSF check recvd. (004) 2500 2500 2500 NSF check recvd. (005) 500 Cash account 07/08 Ppt 1000 1000 -0- N30 1 Mo Ppt 750 50 50 N15 2-3 Mos Slow 55 1000 750 750 N30 1 Mo (009) 2500 2500 2500 N30 6-12 Mos Bad debt. 06/08 Slow 30 500 500 -0- N30 1 Mo 05/08 Ppt 2500 2500 -0- N30 1 Mo Slow 100 500 -0- -0- N30 4-5 Mos (013) 1000 250 250 N60 4-5 Mos Placed for collection. 04/08 (014) 7500 -0- -0- N30 6-12 Mos Satisfactory. 03/08 Ppt 1000 1000 -0- N30 4-5 Mos 01/08 Ppt 5000 1000 -0- N30 2-3 Mos 11/07 Slow 120 2500 1000 1000 N30 2-3 Mos 09/07 Ppt 1000 -0- -0- N30 2-3 Mos (019) 50 Placed for collection. (020) 1000 1000 1000 1 Mo Placed for collection. 08/07 Slow 25 2500 500 -0- N30 1 Mo 07/07 (022) 100 100 100 6-12 Mos Credit refused. 05/07 Disc-Ppt 5000 250 -0- 2 10 N30 2-3 Mos Ppt 2500 100 -0- N30 Slow 60 7500 2500 2500 1 10 N30 2-3 Mos (026) 2500 2500 2500 Spec agreement 6-12 Mos Placed for collection. 04/07 (027) 1000 1000 1000 6-12 Mos Unsatisfactory. 03/07 (028) Placed for collection. 01/07 Slow 60 250 250 250 Regular terms 4-5 Mos (030) 500 500 500 2-3 Mos Placed for collection. 12/06 Ppt-Slow 50 1000 1000 1000 N30 2-3 Mos (032) 10000 250 250 6-12 Mos Unsatisfactory. 11/06 Disc 25000 20000 -0- 1 10 N30 (034) 50000 50000 50000 6-12 Mos Placed for collection. (035) 10000 10000 10000 Placed for collection. (036) 1000 1000 1000 Spec agreement Unsatisfactory. (037) 1000 1000 1000 2-3 Mos NSF check recvd. (038) 250 100 100 2-3 Mos Cash in advance 10/06 Ppt 40000 -0- -0- N30 Slow 30 85000 85000 20000 N30 (041) 20000 20000 20000 6-12 Mos Placed for collection. (042) -0- -0- 6-12 Mos Placed for collection. 09/06 Disc 40000 -0- -0- Spec agreement 1 Mo Ppt 70000 70000 -0- N30 6-12 Mos Ppt 20000 7500 -0- N30 08/06 Ppt 80000 25000 -0- 1 10 N30 Slow 10 2500 500 250 N30 Slow 5-45 2500 250 -0- N30 Slow 45-60 10000 2500 2500 N30 2-3 Mos Slow 30-150 10000 5000 5000 N30 4-5 Mos (051) 15000 7500 7500 2-3 Mos Placed for collection. (052) 7500 5000 5000 6-12 Mos Placed for collection. Cash in advance (053) 500 500 500 4-5 Mos Placed for collection. (054) 50 50 50 4-5 Mos Placed for collection. (055) 50 50 50 6-12 Mos Placed for collection. * Accounts are sometimes placed for collection even though the existence or amount of the debt is disputed. * Payment experiences reflect how bills are met in relation to the terms granted. In some instances payment beyond terms can be the result of disputes over merchandise, skipped invoices etc. * Each experience shown represents a separate account reported by a supplier. Updated trade experiences replace those previously reported. Amounts may be rounded to nearest figure in prescribed ranges. FINANCE ------- 03/19/08 Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Consolidated Consolidated Consolidated Dec 31 2005 Dec 31 2006 Dec 31 2007 Curr Assets 9,795,692 10,220,470 11,046,076 Curr Liabs 6,343,540 8,086,626 8,258,547 Current Ratio 1.54 1.26 1.34 Working Capital 3,452,152 2,133,844 2,787,529 Other Assets 2,355,579 2,474,395 2,169,732 Worth 3,652,233 2,602,614 2,026,635 Sales 24,665,005 27,556,720 29,665,950 Long Term Liab 2,155,498 2,005,625 2,930,626 Net Profit (Loss) 90,073 (1,049,619) (575,979) Fiscal Consolidated statement dated DEC 31 2007: Cash $ 1,032,626 Accts Pay $ 4,116,119 Accts Rec 5,436,724 Notes Pay 625,722 Inventory 2,956,720 L.T. Liab-(1yr) 2,400,185 Other Curr Assets 1,620,006 Other Curr Liabs 1,116,521 --------------- --------------- Curr Assets 11,046,076 Curr Liabs 8,258,547 Fixt & Equip 1,462,060 L.T. Liab-Other 2,930,626 Intangibles 61,030 COMMON STOCK 50,000 Other Assets 646,642 RETAINED EARNINGS 1,976,635 --------------- --------------- Total Assets 13,215,808 Total 13,215,808 From JAN 01 2006 to DEC 31 2006 annual sales $29,665,950; cost of goods sold $24,622,805. Gross profit $5,043,145; operating expenses $5,550,620. Operating income $(507,475); other expenses $38,720; net income before taxes $(546,195); Federal income tax $29,784. (net loss) $575,979. Prepared from statement(s) by Accountant: Johnson, Jordan & Jones CPAs. ACCOUNTANTS OPINION: A review of the accountant's opinion indicates the financial statements meet generally accepted accounting principles and that the audit contains no qualifications. --0-- Fixed assets shown net less $765,620 depreciation. On MAR 19 2008 Leslie Smith, Pres, submitted the above figures. PUBLIC FILINGS -------------- The following data is for information purposes only and is not the official record. Certified copies can only be obtained from the official source. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * JUDGMENT(S) * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCKET NO.: nmjtest03 JDGMT TYPE: Judgment STATUS: Unsatisfied AGAINST: Gorman Mfg Test Case DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/01/2008 IN FAVOR OF: Test Plaintiff DATE ENTERED: 01/01/2008 WHERE FILED: RECORDER OF DEEDS, NORWALK, CA LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 01/02/2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCKET NO.: nmjtest05 JDGMT AWARD: Other STATUS: Unsatisfied JDGMT TYPE: Judgment DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/01/2008 AGAINST: Gorman Mfg (Test Case) DATE ENTERED: 01/01/2008 IN FAVOR OF: Test Plaintiff LATEST INFO COLLECTED: 01/01/2008 WHERE FILED: RECORDER OF DEEDS, NORWALK, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * SUIT(S) * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE NO.: nmjtest01 PLAINTIFF: Test Plaintiff Only STATUS: Terminated DEFENDANT: Gorman Manufacturing Test Case DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/02/2008 WHERE FILED: RECORDER OF DEEDS, NORWALK, CA DATE FILED: 01/01/2008 LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 04/08/2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCKET NO.: nmjtest03 PLAINTIFF: Test Plaintiff STATUS: Terminated DEFENDANT: Gorman Mfg Test Case DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/02/2008 WHERE FILED: RECORDER OF DEEDS, NORWALK, CA DATE FILED: 01/01/2008 LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 01/02/2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOCKET NO.: nmjtest05 SUIT AMOUNT: No-Money Judgment STATUS: Terminated PLAINTIFF: Test Plaintiff DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 01/02/2008 DEFENDANT: Gorman Mfg Test DATE FILED: 01/01/2008 WHERE FILED: RECORDER OF DEEDS, NORWALK, CA LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 01/02/2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * LIEN(S) * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lienholder can file the same lien in more than one filing location. The appearance of multiple liens filed by the same lienholder against a debtor may be indicative of such an occurrence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE NO.: IY5678 TYPE: State Tax STATUS: Open FILED BY: State of Ca- Test Mtch Code (force DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 12/14/2001 thru SO) DATE FILED: 12/14/2001 AGAINST: Gorman Manufacturing Company, Inc LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 12/14/2001 WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, NORWALK, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE NO.: IY1234 AMOUNT: $100 STATUS: Open TYPE: State Tax DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 12/14/2001 FILED BY: state of CA-test mtch code (forced DATE FILED: 12/14/2001 thru SO) LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 12/14/2001 AGAINST: Gorman Manufacturing Company, Inc WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, NORWALK, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE NO.: ian5678 TYPE: State Tax STATUS: Open FILED BY: STATE OF CA-TEST MTCH CODE DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 12/14/2001 AGAINST: GORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC DATE FILED: 12/14/2001 and OTHERS LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 12/14/2001 WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, NORWALK, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE NO.: IAN1234 AMOUNT: $100 STATUS: Open TYPE: State Tax DATE STATUS ATTAINED: 12/14/2001 FILED BY: State of CA-test match Code DATE FILED: 12/14/2001 AGAINST: Gorman Manufacturing Company, Inc LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 12/14/2001 WHERE FILED: LOS ANGELES COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE, NORWALK, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * UCC FILING(S) * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment FILING NO: 306-121640 DATE FILED: 04/18/2006 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 05/12/2006 SEC. PARTY: RAYMOND LEASING CORPORATION, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF GREENE, NY STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: GORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, TN INC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLATERAL: Leased Equipment FILING NO: 009679812 DATE FILED: 03/30/2005 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 04/07/2005 SEC. PARTY: RAYMOND LEASING CORPORATION, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF GREENE, NY STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: GORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, IL INC. and OTHERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLATERAL: Leased Unspecified FILING NO: 040077623160 DATE FILED: 08/06/2004 TYPE: Original LATEST INFO RECEIVED: 08/24/2004 SEC. PARTY: RAYMOND LEASING CORPORATION, FILED WITH: SECRETARY OF GREENE, NY STATE/UCC DIVISION, DEBTOR: GORMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, TX INC and OTHERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The public record items contained in this report may have been paid, terminated, vacated or released prior to the date this report was printed. HISTORY ------- 03/19/08 LESLIE SMITH, PRES KEVIN J HUNT, SEC-TREAS DIRECTOR(S): THE OFFICER(S) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * * * CORPORATE AND BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS * * * PROVIDED BY MANAGEMENT OR OTHER SOURCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Corporate Details provided below may have been submitted by the management of the subject business and may not have been verified with the government agency which records such data. REGISTERED NAME: Gorman Manufacturing Company, Inc. CORPORATION TYPE: PROFIT FILING DATE: 05/21/1985 BUSINESS TYPE: CORPORATION REGISTRATION ID #: testcase102 STATE OF ORGANIZATION (INCORPORATION): CALIFORNIA DATE OF ORGANIZATION (INCORPORATION) : 05/21/1985 WHERE FILED: SECRETARY OF STATE/CORPORATIONS DIVISION, SACRAMENTO, CA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON STOCK: AUTH SHARES - 200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Corporation formed in the State of California on May 21, 1985. Business started 1985 by Leslie Smith and Kevin J Hunt. 60% of capital stock is owned by Leslie Smith. 40% of capital stock is owned by Kevin J Hunt. LESLIE SMITH born 1946. Graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, in June 1967 with a BS degree in Business Management. 1967-85 General Manager for Raymor Printing Co, San Francisco, CA. 1985 formed subject with Kevin J Hunt. 1985 to present active as Principal in Gorman Affiliate Ltd, San Francisco, CA. KEVIN J HUNT born 1945. Graduated from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL in June 1966. 1966-1985 was General Manager for Raymor Printing Co, San Francisco, CA. 1985 formed subject with Leslie Smith. 1985 to present active as Principal in Gorman Affiliate Ltd, San Francisco, CA. AFFILIATE: The following is related through common principals, management and/or ownership. Gorman Affiliate Ltd, San Francisco, CA, started 1985. Operates as commercial printer. Intercompany relations: None reported by management. OPERATION --------- 03/19/08 Engaged in commercial lithographic printing (100%). Terms are Net 30 days. Has 280 account(s). Sells to commercial concerns. Territory : United States. Nonseasonal. EMPLOYEES: 152 which includes officer(s). 110 employed here. FACILITIES: Occupies premises in a one story cinder block building. LOCATION: Central business section on well traveled street. BRANCHES: This business has multiple branches, detailed branch/division information is available in D&B's linkage of family tree products. SUBSIDIARIES: This business has 2 subsidiaries listed below. The extent of ownership where known, is shown in parenthesis following company name: Gorman Poster Printing Inc, San Francisco, CA (100%) chartered 2003. Operates as a poster printing company. Gorman Catalog Printing Inc, San Francisco, CA (100%) chartered 2003. Operates as a catalog printing company. 08-19(1Z9 /900) 99999 050071071 H |